Features Partial Parakanã Bible Song Lyrics Song Chords and key change feature Parakanã YouTube videos
Category: Language
Niŋ karaŋ niŋ mu meŋ ti, a mu Tawureta karaŋo lee ti. Ala xa meŋ fo Anabi Musaa yeŋ, xa a bula a safee la, woo lee mu. Niŋ karaŋo […]
Bible app developed with the foldable phone and tablet in mind.
É um ministério que desenvolve evangelismo, plantação de igrejas, apoio social etc. entre comunidades ciganas em diferentes estados brasileiros, tendo realizado incursões em outros países da Europa e América do […]
Mensagens de Esperança em Libras.
Beginning of the Church. Twelve stories from the Book of Acts. 1. Ñëwu xel mu sell mi ca bésu màggalu pàntakot2. Yeesu Sant na ay Taalibeem, Ñu Sóob leen ci […]
Bibulu la Taraxolu
55 histoires bibliques en Malinké. 1. Duniya Dalo2. Adama nin Hawa3. Sentan nin Jinnolu4. Xeba nin muso bayita xa bo Edeni yirifuuto xono5. Kabila nin Abila la kuwo6. Ala xa […]
The Salvation that God Offers: 52 Bible stories from Creation to the Resurrection of Jesus, contextualized for Muslim and animistic people groups. 01. Li Yàlla tëral ngir àddina (God’s plan […]
(“The Holy Scriptures” Podcast) Kaddu gu Sell gi, Bibal bi maanaam Tawreet, Saboor ak Injil, mooy téere bi Yàlla wacce ngir leeral ak woomat bepp doomu Adama. Téere Saboor saar […]